Junior Gym

Sessions for 11-15 year olds

Junior Gym offers dedicated sessions every weekend where teens and older children aged between 11- 15 can get active in our main gym area. Although members of staff will be available to support these sessions, they are parent-supervised, and all participants must be accompanied by a responsible adult member, aged over 18.

Prior to their first session, all Junior Gym participants should attend one of our induction sessions where CLC staff will demonstrate how to use the equipment and ensure it is being used safely.

Frequently Asked Questions

What days does Junior Gym run?

Our junior gym sessions will run at the following times:

  • Saturday 14:00-15:00

  • Sunday 14:00-15:00

Junior gym inductions will be available:

  • Saturday 14:00

  • Sunday 14:00

Who can attend junior gym sessions?

Any member aged between 11-15 years can attend these sessions.  Your child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian aged over 18 at all times. Once your child turns 16 they will need their own membership and can use the gym unaccompanied.

It is the parent / guardian's responsibility to ensure that their child is following the gym rules, acting responsibly and not exercising beyond their ability.

Will my child need an induction?

Before you can attend our junior gym sessions, you’ll be required to attend an induction with one of our fully qualified personal trainers where you’ll be shown how to operate the most popular pieces of equipment.  Induction sessions are available every Saturday at 14:00 and Sunday at 13:00. The maximum capacity for these sessions is 8.

What equipment will be available for my child to use?

During Junior Gym your child can generally use cardio and resistance equipment. At their induction they will be shown which pieces of equipment they can use and how to use them safely.

Some of our gym equipment is off-limits to our younger members, for example, no-one under the age of 16 may use the free weights areas. Under 16s may use some light free weights in the functional area, but generally nothing over 5kg. In terms of functional equipment, junior members may use light equipment, including medicine balls, stability balls and BOSU balls. We don’t encourage junior members to use kettle bells, weight sledges or power bags.

In most cases, we just ask you to be sensible and heed the advice of either the parent or the colleague supervising.

How do I book my child in for Junior Gym?

  1. Before getting started, your child will need to complete a Health Commitment Statement which must be counter-signed by a parent or guardian. They MUST also attend an induction session with one of our personal trainers.

  2. Once inducted, you will be able to book your child into the junior gym sessions up to 7 days in advance. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 

  3. When you arrive for the session, please check in at reception. Our reception team will ensure your child has received an induction and completed the necessary paperwork. Your child will be issued with a wrist band for the duration of the session. Please return this band to reception after your session has finished.

If for any reason you are unable to attend, please let us know so that your place can be allocated to someone else.

Induction and junior gym sessions can be booked via reception, either in person or by telephone.